Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Debate and team paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Debate and team paper - Essay Example This grows the country’s economy significantly. This paper will review some of the advantages of tourism on both the political and economic front. The political situation in the Philippines is questionable at the moment. However, the government supports tourism since they benefit from all the foreign capital that flows into the country (Lumang, 2008). Some of the political class that supports tourism offer the tourists with accommodation during their stay. It is tantamount that the political class be involved. This is because they offer comfort to all those that wish to travel to the Philippines for holiday, and business. There are establishments run by politicians which offer tourists with the best services, hence providing them with a chance to host more tourists in a year. Another advantage that comes with tourism for the political front is the laws that are in place that promote tourism as an investment. There are laws still being passed in parliament for there to be tourist zones. This means that politicians will push for the building of restaurants, resorts, and hotels to benefit the tourists. The proposed laws also offer incentives to potential investors since they offer the exemption of duties placed on some goods and services (Lumang, 2008). Investors may want to bring their capital to the Philippines since it is profitable. Tourism is raking in billions of dollars into the country. In the near future, it is evident tourism will be responsible for the direct employment of more than four million Filipinos in the country (Lumang, 2008). The Philippines is marketing itself as the preferred destination for all foreign nationals. If people are willing to invest in the country, it is only a matter of time before the country realizes some of its most desired dreams. As many people are retiring to the Philippines, it is offering a new variety of amenities for them.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Johnson vetoed the first and second reconstruction acts Essay Example for Free

Johnson vetoed the first and second reconstruction acts Essay The impeachment of the 17th president of the United States, Andrew Johnson was a key event in the history of Reconstruction as well as in the history of our nation. In the spring and summer of 1864, it seemed unlikely that Abraham Lincoln was going to be reelected. Not only had the war been going rather badly for the Union, but a president had not been reelected in the past thirty years and it was almost understood that Lincoln would follow that form. One of the ways in which Lincoln helped himself to get elected, as well as planning for the time in which the North and South would need to be reconciled to each other, Andrew Johnson, representative from the border state of Tennessee was selected. Johnson was a Southerner but he hated with a passion, his countrymen from the south who left the Union and despised them. However, despite his hatred for the Southern aristocrats, which Johnson had blamed for the Civil War, he certainly was no friend to the African American and this apathy towards their plight would be seen in one veto after another. Johnson also vetoed the Freedman’s Bill which sought to ensure that the newly freed African Americans would have land and a chance to make a new life for them and to ease the transition from a life of slavery to one of freedom. All of the above mentioned, led to the first impeachment of an American President. The radical Republicans became increasingly frustrated at the rate in which President Johnson was vetoing everything that they had worked so hard to form as it was their goal to make sure that the Civil War was not fought in vain. President Johnson, in the minds of the Radical Republicans and an increasing number of other representatives in both Houses of Congress, started to see Johnson as the enemy. When President Johnson fired Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, it was seen as the last straw and impeachment procedures begun. However, even though Johnson escaped formal impeachment by a single vote, his hopes for a second term, and his first full term, vanished as he was now seen in league with the Southerners whom he had previously professed to hate. When Andrew Johnson was selected by President Lincoln as his running mate in the 1864 election, many Republicans, especially radical Republicans like Thurlow Weed and Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, were very suspicious of Johnson’s motives as he was from Tennessee. Their fear left when Johnson expressed his hatred towards the aristocratic land owners of the South, whom he had faulted for the start of the war in the first place. However, suspicion soon returned when Johnson made his feelings know concerning the need for Reconstruction in the first place: â€Å"Those states have not gone out of the Union. Therefore reconstruction is unnecessary. † This would be a theme that Johnson would keep through his formal responses concerning his multiple vetoes. Johnson was either hopelessly optimistic about the plight of the African Americans in the South, apathetic, or purposely took on a mission to help the white farmers against what he considered the legislation of the reformers to be in aid of the black farmer over the white. When Congress met in December of 1865, the first time that both Houses had met since the death of President Lincoln, only Mississippi had failed to adopt the lenient measures that both President Lincoln and Johnson had put in place in order to ease the transition of the South back into the Union. When it was realized that the Southern legislations had placed African Americans in a sort of quasi slavery through the restrictive black codes, Radical Republicans were enraged and sough to instill within the southern states, a series of laws which would ensure and forever protect the rights of the African American as it was their legal rights that were to be protected, the Union had the ability to ensure that these rights were enforced by their military presence in the area and to make sure that the Civil War was not fought in vain. These were the motivations of the Radical Republicans and it soon became clear, that such goals were in direct conflict with the motivations of President Johnson. The trouble between Congress and President Johnson began in February of 1866 with the veto of the Freedman Bill. The original bill had been passed in March of 1865 and it was up for its yearly renewal. The bill called for the redistribution of land to the freedmen, provided schools for their children and set up courts which were reinforced by the military which ensured that these laws would be carried out. President Johnson did not see the need for such expenditures and called it too expensive and unconstitutional. â€Å" I share with Congress the strongest desire to secure to the freedmen the full enjoyment of their freedom and property and their entire independence and equality in making contracts for their labor, but the bill before me contains provisions which in my opinion are not warranted by the Constitution and are not well suited to accomplish the end in view. † Since then, it has become clear by historians that this was not the true motivation of President Johnson. â€Å"President Johnson sought to return African Americans to a state of the oppressive and restrictive black codes. In being an enemy of the large land owners of the South, he still was no friend to the African American. † Also, there seemed to be a sense of ignorance concerning the condition of the African American in these southern states. Upon closing his formal reply in this veto, President Johnson said: â€Å"It is hardly necessary for me to inform Congress that in my own judgment most of these states, so far, at least, as depends upon their own action, have already been fully restored and are to be deemed as entitled to enjoy their constitutional rights as members of the Union†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This would mean, and it would be a common theme that would be seen in many of President Johnson’s responses to repeated measures by Congress to expand or protect the rights of the African America, that President Johnson would not be aiding in any legislation which helped to protect the rights of the African American, despite his aforementioned statements. The next measure which put President Johnson at odds with the Congress was his veto of the 1866 Civil Rights Bill. The Civil Rights Bill was put in place as a reaction the oppressive Black Codes which the South had implemented in order to return African Americans to as close to their previous slavery conditions as possible. Within these codes, African Americans were given a curfew, were not allowed to carry guns, serve on a jury or congregate with other African Americans in a group to name a few of the provisions. The Civil Rights Bill would later be used as a stepping stone for the 14th amendment which said that all persons born in the United States are therefore citizens and as a result, are entitled to equal protection under the law. In his veto of the 1866 Civil Rights Bill, President Johnson stated: â€Å"This provision of the bill seems to be unnecessary, as adequate judicial remedies could be adopted to secure the desired end without invading the immunities of legislators, always important to be preserved in the interest of public liberty; without assailing the independence of the judiciary, always essential to the preservation of individual rights†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It was believed by the Radical Republicans that such beliefs were not only overly optimistic and ignorant of the current situation in the South, they were simply wrong. The Congress would override Johnson’s veto on the Freedman’s Bill and sought to do the same here. However, President Johnson continued to veto every bill that dealt with Reconstruction and further alienated himself from both Houses of Congress. 1867 would not be a kind year in the Johnson Administration. On March 2nd of that year, President Johnson vetoed the first of two Reconstruction Acts that would be presented to him. The Reconstruction Bill stated that in order for the previous laws to be enforced within the Southern States, the South would be divided up into military districts and put under a type of martial law, depending upon the severity of those who ignored the law. Again, President Johnson vetoed the bill as he saw it to be unnecessary. â€Å"This is a bill passed by Congress in time of peace. There is not in any one of the states brought under its operation either war or insurrection. The laws of the states and of the Federal government are all in undisturbed and harmonious operation. † This certainly was not the case but it would seem to be out of the character of President Johnson if he ever recognized the grave state that the African Americans were under within the South. President Johnson seemed to be oblivious towards this fact and his voting record surely did reinforce this notion. In March of 1867, President Johnson would veto his second Reconstruction Act which provided for military commanders to reconstruct the Southern states into states which would recognize the rights of the African American by force if necessary. In his veto, President Johnson again stated the lack of need for such pieces of legislation. â€Å"The existing Constitution of the ten States conforms to the acknowledged standards of loyalty and republicanism. Indeed, if there are degrees in republican forms of government, their constitutions are more republican now than when these States, four of which were members of the original thirteen, first became members of the Union. † President Johnson will always assert a sort of â€Å"lassie faire† notion towards the South; a notion that is in direct conflict with the Republican majority in both the House and the Senate and especially with regards to the very vocal Radical Republicans. Throughout 1867, The House Judiciary Committee, further irritated by Johnson’s repeated vetoes, sought to find some illegal activity in which to possibly impeach the President. However, upon their investigation, there was no evidence in which to do this. However, later that year, on August 12, 1867, President Johnson removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton. Stanton certainly was no friend of Johnson and there was no love loss between them. Stanton repeatedly undermined the President at every turn and President Johnson viewed Stanton as a hold over of the Lincoln Administration and not loyal to his administration. As a result of the firing, which was in violation of the Tenure of Office Act, eleven articles of impeachment were brought against the president. Ironically, it was this very law which President Johnson had vetoed earlier that year on March 2, 1867 in which he said: â€Å"The question, as Congress is well aware, is by no means a new one. That the power of removal is constitutionally vested in the President of the United States is a principle which has been not more distinctly declared by judicial authority and judicial commentators than it has been uniformly practiced upon by the legislative and executive departments of the Government. † President Johnson had overplayed his hand and formal articles of impeachment would be brought to him. On February 24, 1868, the House of Representatives voted to impeach President Johnson. Congress. The formal reason was the firing of Stanton but in reality, President Johnson’s refusal to adhere to the political flow of Congress, which at that time, sought to regulate by force if necessary, the Southern states into submission on the issues of securing the rights of African Americans. However, a President could only be impeached if he was guilty of â€Å"high crimes and misdemeanors† as it states in the Constitution. Article I of the Impeachment document formally spelled out his charge of high crimes and misdemeanors: â€Å"That said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, on the 21st day of February 1868, at Washington, in the District of Columbia, unmindful of the high duties of his office, of his oath of office, and of the requirement of the Constitution, that he should take care that the laws be faithfully executed, did unlawfully and in violation of the Constitution and laws of the United States of America issue an order in writing for the removal of Edwin Stanton from the office of Secretary for the Department of War†¦.. † The impeachment committee was made up of all Radical Republicans: Thaddeus Stevens, Benjamin Butler and James Wilson, the most notable of the cast. Johnson’s defense, as President Johnson was never present at the hearings, was Henry Stanberry, William Evarts and Benjamin Curtis as well as Jeremiah Black who would later resign from the hearings. On the first day of the trial Johnson’s defense team asked for a forty stay since they had not been given enough time to gather up their defense. The trial, which was processed over by Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase, a former member of President Lincoln’s cabinet, allowed a stay of only ten days. Another six day extension was voted upon by the Senate and granted. On March, 30, the trial began in which Benjamin Butler, former Union General, talked for three hours in which he lambasted the President for his violation of the Tenure of Office Act and the fact that even that the President had given orders to subordinates of General Grant before even allowing him to see and review them. The defense opened by stating that President Johnson had not violated the Tenure of Office Act with the firing of Secretary of War Stanton and that Stanton had tried everything in his power to undermined the President at every turn. Also, the fact that President Johnson had not reappointed Stanton meant that his office was not under the protection of the Tenure Act. The prosecution called other witnesses but in the end, proved unhelpful. The prosecution added further charges to the President. Article VIII stated: â€Å"That said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, with intent unlawfully to control the disbursement of the moneys appropriated for the military service and for the Department of War, did unlawfully, and in violation of the Constitution of the United States of America, , and without the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States†¦ there being no vacancy in the office of Secretary for the Department of War, and with intent to violate and disregard the act aforesaid, then and there issue and deliver to one Lorenzo Thomas a letter of authority. The charges went further in order to prove that the firing of the Secretary of War was done with premedidation. Article IX states: â€Å"That said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, unmindful of the high duties of his office and of his oath of office, on the 21st day of February, in the year of our Lord 1868, at Washington, in the District of Columbia, did unlawfully conspire with one Lorenzo Thomas, by force to seize, take, and possess the property of the United Sates in the Department of War, and then and there in the custody and charge of Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary for said Department, contrary to the provisions of an act entitled An act to define and punish certain conspiracies, approved July 31, 1861, and with intent to violate and disregard an act entitled An act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices, passed March 2, 1867, whereby said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, did then and there commit a high crime in office. † It would also be the vocal opinions of the Radicals which helped the country to come to this stage in the first place. Charles Sumner stated that his objections with the President came from his many vetoes. † Andrew Johnson is the impersonation of the tyrannical Slave Power. In him it lives again. He is the lineal ancestor of John C. Calhoun and Jefferson Davis. And he gathers about him the same supporters. Original partisans of slavery North and South; habitual compromisers of great principles; maligners of the Declaration of Independence politicians without heart; lawyers, for whom a technicality is everything, and a promiscuous company who at every stage of the battle have set their faces against Equal Rights; these are his allies. It is the old troop of slavery, with a few recruits, ready as of old for violence cunning in device and heartless in quibble† Senator John Sherman voted to impeach the President because, he had abused his power and in his words: â€Å"Armed by the Constitution and the laws, with vast powers, he has neglected to protect loyal people in the rebel States, so that assassination is organized all over those States, as a political power to murder, banish and maltreat loyal people, and to destroy their property. All these he might have ascribed to alleged want of power, or to difference of opinion in questions of policy, and for these reasons no such charges were exhibited against him, though they affected the peace and safety of the nation. â€Å" However, there would be members of Congress which would come to his defense. One such member was William Fessenden who stated in his defense: â€Å"To the suggestion that popular opinion demands the conviction of the President o these charges, I reply that he is not now on trial before the people, but before the Senate. In the words of Lord Eldon, upon the trial of the Queen, I take no notice of what is passing out of doors, because I am supposed constitutionally not to be acquainted with it. And again, It is the duty of those on whom a judicial task is imposed to meet reproach and not court popularity. The people have not heard the evidence as we have heard it. † Lynman Trumble would also concur by stating in his formal decision: â€Å"What law does this record show the President to have violated? Is it the tenure of office act? I believe in the constitutionality of that act, and stand ready to punish its violators; but neither the removal of that faithful and efficient officer, Edwin M. Stanton, which I deeply regret, nor the ad interim designation of Lorenzo Thomas, were, as has been shown, forbidden by it. Is it the reconstruction acts? Whatever the facts may be, this record does not contain a particle of evidence of their violation. Is it the conspiracy act? No facts are shown to sustain such a charge†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The trial had commenced and now a formal vote would be needed in order to either convict of acquit the President. In the end, senators who voted for his guilt numbered 35 and those for his innocence was 19 which was one shy of the necessary 2/3 vote needed from the senate. The Radical Republicans had gambled and lost and the zeal that the country had for Reconstruction, would eventually end with the Great Compromise of 1877. A quasi form of slavery would impede the African American from experiencing his equal treatment under the law and as a result, future laws which would be used. Jim Crow laws and grandfather clauses kept African Americans from the polls and placed their previous masters, as masters again. Also, the hopes that President Johnson had for reelection were gone and General Grant would follow him in two lackluster terms as President. It was a sad chapter for the President as well as the Presidency as a whole. Such events make historians wonder how the country would have been different had President Lincoln never been assassinated. Tempers among North and South might not have come to a head as they did and most accurately, African Americans would not have had to wait as long as they did for equal treatment under the law. The choice of Andrew Johnson for Vice President had consequences for the Union which could not have been seen when President Lincoln first appointed him as the Vice President in 1864. Only unhelpful speculation can possibly answer what the make up of this country and race relations for the forty years after the end of the Civil War would have looked like, had President Johnson, in the spirit of â€Å"malice towards none and charity for all. † Nobody will ever know. WORKS CITED Commanger, Henry Steele Documents of American History. New York: Century Press. 1947 Goodwin, Doris Kearns. Team of Rivals. New York: Simon Schuster 2006 Reconstruction and the Courts New York: PBS American Experience 2003 http://www. impeach-andrewjohnson. com/ Downloaded on June 5, 2007.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

My Life Beyond the Pale Essay -- Personal Narrative essay about myself

My Life Beyond the Pale "Beyond the pale" was a phrase first used by the English Crown of the 1300's to describe the Irish countryside outside of Dublin's borders, i.e., English control. Even before then, and since, the Irish have continually struggled to define for themselves a cohesive national identity outside of that which was determined for them by colonists, or perhaps nowadays, tourists like myself. Therefore, a cautionary note: this brief essay contains no deep, penetrating insights into the Irish psyche, no judgments as to the wisdom of constitutionalized Catholicism, World War II isolationism, or the perpetuation of Yeats-ish, green-rolling, fairy-mounded myths. Irish identity cannot, I believe, be found at the bottom of any foam-ringed pint, nor may it be found in the all-too-commonly-evoked literary trinity of abusive father, alcoholic mother, and tuberculosis-inclined child. And despite the insistence of economists, both Irish and otherwise, it will not be found in the workings of a booming "Ce ltic Tiger" economy, with the (albeit historical) shift from a country of emigration to one of immigration. Ireland has found its current definition under the auspicious flag of the Tourist Industry, a change that would likely make Yeats shudder, as his oft-valorized four green fields are first leveled, paved, and finally given new shape as the grounds for a shopping mall. South of the Lif... ... boat ride, and I noticed an Italian couple sitting nearby, both neatly dressed, with lovely leather sandals and gold jewelry. At fast I wondered what they saw in their surroundings. They appeared quite comfortable. I looked around again. There was a certain beauty in the mix of rust and faded paint, the apparent lack of function, an atmosphere beyond something, if not the Pale itself. The feeling of exile that occurs as a result of traveling abroad is a unique form, self-imposed and wary of cliches. Remember that James Joyce was only able to write "The Dead" after leaving Dublin. Though I may not have returned with a brilliant novella of my own, this new sense of wonderment is, I believe, a nearly even trade.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Edible Oil Industry in Pakistan

Zohair Abbasi Education and Achievements 2008-PresentUniversity College London BSc. Mathematics with Economics. 2000-2008Karachi Grammar School A-Levels: Mathematics (A), Physics (A), Chemistry (A), Biology (A), General AS (A) O-Levels: 9 As including Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and Physics. †¢ One of the few people to receive the Breton Medal for excellence in Mathematics. †¢ Served as a Prefect in my final year at college †¢ Served as the Deputy Head-boy of the school in year 9. Work Experience Oct, 2008-PresentASICS corporation London, UK Retail Assistant, Part-time †¢ Worked intensively, for up to 20 hours a week, alongside a team of enthusiastic individuals to help the store generate revenue of almost ? 2 million (24% above the target) in its first year of operation. †¢ Developed excellent front-line customer service by taking initiative to be proactive to the customer's needs. Oct, 2007-Sept, 2008The DAWN NewsGroup Karachi, Pakistan Editorial Assistant, Full-time †¢ Interviewed Ms Zarine Aziz, CEO of First Women's Bank Pakistan, and Mr Byram Avari, a hotelier and chairman of the Avari Group. Acquired excellent interpersonal skills while doing so. †¢ Gained immense knowledge of world affairs and politics while doing research and assignments for the Herald magazine. Only at the age of 19, had reports and articles published in the country's most widely-read magazine. June, 2009-Aug, 2009Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan Voluntary work †¢ Acquired crucial teamwork skills while working together with a team of nurses and resident doctors towards providing the best possible service to patients. †¢ Completed 8 weeks of community service at the city's biggest hospital. Extra-curricular Activities Mar, 2009-Present President of the UCLU Pakistan Society. Headed a committee of 5 individuals. Organised public events that attracted up to 300 participants. Organised a large-scale dinner with the Pakistani High Commissioner as the chief guest. Mar, 2009Single-handedly organised, and performed (guitars and vocals) at, a music concert that featured 10 artists and was attended by almost 150 people. Aug 2006-June 2007Council member of the Eastern Music Society. Helped organise, and performed at a concert that was attended by more than 300 people. Aug, 2006-June, 2007Vice captain of the school swimming team. Co-managed a team of 25 swimmers at the provincial-level championship. Won a total of 1 Gold, 2 Silver and 2 Bronze medals at the 2007 Sindh Open National Championship. Languages: Fluent in both English and Urdu Other Skills: Intermediate skills in MS Office suite. ———————– Shah. [email  protected] ac. uk (+44)07528714035 5-Belfont Walk, Holloway, London N7 0SN

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why Millennials Are Screwed

Throughout the article, Hobbes uses sarcastic humor and hyperbole to not only get his point across, but to also be relatable to his audience; the millennials. Hobbes uses this to seem credible and therefore worthy of our trust. Hobbes states that older generations say â€Å"our problems are all our fault: We got the wrong degree.† This statement not only reeks of sarcasm but also subtly points out the foolishness of the generations whom would say this in Hobbes' opinion. He also goes on to say we have â€Å"killed cereal and department stores and golf and napkins and lunch† which out of context makes little sense and yet in context, still makes little sense. He does not go on to explain why he mentioned these specific items nor does he dive into any of the topics he described, but he does makes a great attempt to get the reader to laugh and therefore create the first moment of trust. Continuing to use sarcasm not only helps the reader to find humor in an unpleasant and gloomy topic but establishes relatability to Hobbes. Exaggerating his own situation by saying, â€Å"my rent consumes nearly half my income, I haven't had a steady job since Pluto was a planet and my savings are dwindling faster than the ice caps the baby boomers melted,† helps the reader to relate to Hobbes even more and therefore trusts him to be providing accurate information. His ability to write as though he is writing to a friend through humor relaxes the reader and establishes a deeper connection. In addition to humor, statistics flood this article and subtly attack the readers fear. Hobbes provides that 1 in 5 young adults between the ages of 18 and 34 are living in poverty and that they are half as likely to own a home(6), which are alarmingly figures. Giving such dramatic statistics makes the reader think about their own situation and whether that statistic includes themselves, and perhaps worse, themselves in the future. This creates a sense of concern that fuels the reader to care more about the topic and follow Hobbes as he continues to scare. Although Hobbes did not create the visual aspects of his article, it is important to note that the updated animations throughout the article contribute to him implanting terror into the mind of his readers because of their dramatic context. The use of a graph regarding 2007 and 2009 graduates and their earnings yearly is a great example showing us how a 2009 graduate could earn almost sixty-thousand dollars less than a 2007 graduate (16). Those are relatively large numbers that generate anxiety among the millennials reading this article because not only does it make them think about the statistics but also how it could relate to themselves. Undoubtedly Hobbes provides endless amounts of information as to the topic: why millennials are screwed. In fact I believe he is right. Our generation is heading for disaster and Hobbes does an immaculate job at recording why. His use of humor and sarcasm is what made this piece of writing so enticing and relatable.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

why would labour regard ...... essays

why would labour regard ...... essays Why would labour regard globalisation as a threat? Globalisation is the term that refers to the acceleration and intensification of mechanisms, processes and activities that are allegedly promoting global interdependence and perhaps, ultimately, global political and economic integration. At its core it is a revolutionary concept, involving the destruction of social, political, economic, and cultural life. Yet it would be a mistake to view Globalisation detestably as these views are only opinions! On the other hand Globalisation has had made positive changes to the international scene. It has given the world a single growing single consciousness. Communication has become instantaneous and travel takes no less than a day to the other side of the world. International travel has increased by more than 3 million from the 1980s as some sources quote! Technology has improved vastly over the last decade as communication gives access to new information, new ideas, and foreign markets. The world is becoming to cooperate more when faced with a single enemy such as terrorism, global warming, and drug trade. Globalisation also erodes cultural differences and tensions. To some extent sovereignty has been minimized, as borders no longer exists. Now domestic policy is influenced only by global market fluctuations. It is insufficient, to criticize globalization as an undesirable process, which it clearly is. Globalization leaves broken people, families, communities and societies in its wake. Its critics face two quandaries regarding what, if anything, can counter those impacts. The first is to propose a more desirable process. The second is to suggest ways of mitigating undesirable consequences, if no more desirable alternative exists. In terms of the ongoing reality, it will be almost impossible for political action to affect it very much. (Jobes, 2003) Finally, critics detect a major change in the international division of labor....

Monday, October 21, 2019

Australian visions Essays

Australian visions Essays Australian visions Essay Australian visions Essay Different Australian visions are frequently portrayed in assorted texts and gesture images. Australian movie Strictly Ballroom 1992 is a great illustration as the manager uses really extraordinary and theatrical manner of filmmaking to show a humourous narrative that reflects assorted ideals in Australian society with filming and movie techniques. The film non merely showcases the character of the underdog particularly through the character of Fran. but besides illustrates the construct of multiculturalism and the thought of accomplishing dreams on the land of Australia. which are all constructs that relates to different facet of Australian visions. On the other manus the verse form My country’ written by Dorothea McKellar. expresses other ideals of Australia that are more straight related with the land. Through the usage of poetic techniques such as metaphor the poet was able to picture both the natural danger and beauty of the state that are besides valued as of import porti on of Australian visions. One of the chief focal points of the film Strictly Ballroom is the feature of the underdog. a term that is closely associated with Australian values. The belief of giving everyone a just spell is to the full expressed through the narrative discharge of Fran. whom like the ugly duckling was transformed into something beautiful by the terminal of the film. This construct is expressed through the Baz Luhrmann’s portray of this character. The apposition between her first visual aspect and her public presentation at the terminal to the full showcases Fran’s function as the underdog. This is reinforced with her ruddy frock and the lighting used during the stoping of the film. Differs to other contestants’ apparels that looked superficial and extraordinary. the reliable coloring material of ruddy used for Fran made her stood out as a glamourous. confident and beautiful adult female. which is wholly different to her apparently unattractive first visual aspect from the start of the movie. This is further on supported by the lighting of the film. which non merely focuses on her and Scott’s dance. but besides stresses the affect of the ruddy costume. doing the frock about a dramatic symbol of her successful transmutation and accomplishment within this movie. On the other manus. the impact of her visual aspect besides to the full represents Australian’s idealization of the underdog. Another subject of Strictly Ballroom is the thought of multiculturalism as this film depicts the transformed modern society that accepts and embraces cultural differences. This is expressed through the usage of music in the movie. For most portion of the film the music used is traditional dance hall tonss or Australian authoritative vocals such as time after time’ . which makes the simple instrumental Spanish music played in Fran’s house stood out. This non merely illustrates the differences between Fran and Scott’s background but besides puts the audience i nto the character’s places to see another type of dancing and civilization that exists on the land of Australia. This construct is once more strengthened at the last scene of the film when all the audiences joined with Scott’s parents and danced together. The long shooting that presents the incorporate crowd combines with mid shootings that focus on specific people like Fran’s male parent who has different background reinforce the positive intension of multiculturalism. This besides presents Strictly Ballroom as a film that mirrored the value of modern-day Australian society. which is all about credence and embracing. The pursue for dream is a construct that is extremely valued in Australia and the film Strictly Ballroom relate this thought with the impression of get the better ofing fright and the challenge of authorization. The focal point on lines such as A life lived in fright is a life half lived shows the importance of this in relation to the character’s will of accomplishing their ends. However their desire is frequently dishearten by the dancing federation. The uninterrupted usage of low angle shootings and the deficiency of music playing when characters such as Barry Fife talked set up their province of power. which the chief characters have to suppress. This besides made the scene from terminal of the film extremely symbolic. With the success of Scott and Fran’s public presentation. there was a high angle shooting picturing a falling Fife who tumbled with the trophies on the tabular array that contrasted with the old usage of low angel shootings. This scene non merely served as a amusing alleviation for its audience but besides represents the ruin of the authorization. emphasizing the significance of this confrontation in footings of the Scott and Fran’s accomplish of their dream. In context of this movie. these thoughts reflect the possibility of making one’s end in Australia. Just like the character of the underdog this besides relate to the stereotyped impression that this land epitomize a sense of hope and cha nce. My state written by Dorothea Mackellar is a verse form that illustrates both the natural beauty and danger of Australia. picturing really different visions of the same state in comparing to Strictly Ballroom. The poet’s repeated use of assorted rocks to depict the nature scenery of this state non merely stresses the genuineness of those characteristics. but besides made the rocks a metaphor for the land’s perfection. This is seen through lines such as An opal-hearted country’ and Sapphire-misted mountain’ . which continuously reinforce the echt impression of beauty in Australia. On the other manus Mackellar besides uses personification to depict the danger of this land. Lines such as Her beauty and her terror’ and her pitiless blue sky’ strengthen the image of the threating nature environment. giving the readers a existent sense of fright and worship for the poet’s state. Even though this text shared limited similarity with Baz Luhrman n’s Strictly Ballroom. it still manages to show visions and word pictures of Australia that is extremely valued in this state.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Understanding What Fluid Dynamics is

Understanding What Fluid Dynamics is Fluid dynamics is the study of the movement of fluids, including their interactions as two fluids come into contact with each other. In this context, the term fluid refers to either liquid or gases. It is a macroscopic, statistical approach to analyzing these interactions at a large scale, viewing the fluids as a continuum of matter and generally ignoring the fact that the liquid or gas is composed of individual atoms. Fluid dynamics is one of the two main branches of fluid mechanics, with the other branch being  fluid statics,  the study of fluids at rest. (Perhaps not surprisingly, fluid statics may be thought of as a bit less exciting most of the time than fluid dynamics.) Key Concepts of Fluid Dynamics Every discipline involves concepts that are crucial to understanding how it operates. Here are some of the main ones that youll come across when trying to understand fluid dynamics. Basic Fluid Principles The fluid concepts that apply in fluid statics also come into play when studying fluid that is in motion. Pretty much the earliest concept in fluid mechanics is that of buoyancy, discovered in ancient Greece by Archimedes. As fluids flow, the density and pressure of the fluids are also crucial to understanding how they will interact. The viscosity  determines how resistant the liquid is to change, so is also essential in studying the movement of the liquid. Here are some of the variables that come up in these analyses: Bulk viscosity:  ÃŽ ¼Density:  Ã Kinematic viscosity:  ÃŽ ½ ÃŽ ¼ / Ï  Flow Since fluid dynamics involves the study of the motion of fluid, one of the first concepts that must be understood is how physicists quantify that movement. The term that physicists use to describe the physical properties of the movement of liquid is flow. Flow describes a wide range of fluid movement, such blowing through the air, flowing through a pipe, or running along a surface. The flow of a fluid is classified in a variety of different ways, based upon the various properties of the flow. Steady vs. Unsteady Flow If the movement of fluid does not change over time, it is considered a steady flow. This is determined by a situation where all properties of the flow remain constant with respect to time or alternately can be talked about by saying that the time-derivatives of the flow field vanish. (Check out calculus for more about understanding derivatives.) A steady-state flow  is even less time-dependent because all of the fluid properties (not just the flow properties) remain constant at every point within the fluid. So if you had a steady flow, but the properties of the fluid itself changed at some point (possibly because of a barrier causing time-dependent ripples in some parts of the fluid), then you would have a steady flow that is not a steady-state flow. All steady-state flows are examples of steady flows, though.  A current flowing at a constant rate through a straight pipe would be an example of a steady-state flow (and also a steady flow).   If the flow itself has properties that change over time, then it is called an unsteady flow or a transient flow. Rain flowing into a gutter during a storm is an example of unsteady flow. As a general rule, steady flows make for easier problems to deal with than unsteady flows, which is what one would expect given that the time-dependent changes to the flow dont have to be taken into account, and things that change over time are typically going to make things more complicated. Laminar Flow vs. Turbulent Flow A smooth flow of liquid is said to have laminar flow. Flow that contains seemingly chaotic, non-linear motion is said to have turbulent flow. By definition, a turbulent flow is a type of unsteady flow.   Both types of flows may contain eddies, vortices, and various types of recirculation, though the more of such behaviors that exist the more likely the flow is to be classified as turbulent.   The distinction between whether a flow is laminar or turbulent is usually related to the Reynolds number (Re). The Reynolds number was first calculated in 1951 by physicist George Gabriel Stokes, but it is named after the 19th-century scientist Osborne Reynolds. The Reynolds number is dependent not only on the specifics of the fluid itself but also on the conditions of its flow, derived as the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces in the following way:   Re Inertial force / Viscous forces Re (Ï  V dV/dx) / (ÃŽ ¼ d2V/dx2) The term dV/dx is the gradient of the velocity (or first derivative of the velocity), which is proportional to the velocity (V) divided by L, representing a scale of length, resulting in dV/dx V/L. The second derivative is such that d2V/dx2 V/L2. Substituting these in for the first and second derivatives results in: Re (Ï  V V/L) / (ÃŽ ¼ V/L2) Re   (Ï  V L) / ÃŽ ¼ You can also divide through by the length scale L, resulting in a Reynolds number per foot, designated as Re f V /  ÃŽ ½. A low Reynolds number indicates smooth, laminar flow. A high Reynolds number indicates a flow that is going to demonstrate eddies and vortices and will generally be more turbulent. Pipe Flow vs. Open-Channel Flow Pipe flow represents a flow that is in contact with rigid boundaries on all sides, such as water moving through a pipe (hence the name pipe flow) or air moving through an air duct. Open-channel flow describes flow in other situations where there is at least one free surface that is not in contact with a rigid boundary. (In technical terms, the free surface has 0 parallel sheer stress.) Cases of open-channel flow include water moving through a river, floods, water flowing during rain, tidal currents, and irrigation canals. In these cases, the surface of the flowing water, where the water is in contact with the air, represents the free surface of the flow. Flows in a pipe are driven by either pressure or gravity, but flows in open-channel situations are driven solely by gravity. City water systems often use water towers to take advantage of this, so that the elevation difference of the water in the tower (the  hydrodynamic head)  creates a pressure differential, which is then adjusted with mechanical pumps to get water to the locations in the system where they are needed.   Compressible vs. Incompressible Gases are generally treated as compressible fluids because the volume that contains them can be reduced. An air duct can be reduced by half the size and still carry the same amount of gas at the same rate. Even as the gas flows through the air duct, some regions will have higher densities than other regions. As a general rule, being incompressible means that the density of any region of the fluid does not change as a function of time as it moves through the flow. Liquids can also be compressed, of course, but theres more of a limitation on the amount of compression that can be made. For this reason, liquids are typically modeled as if they were incompressible. Bernoullis Principle Bernoullis principle is another key element of fluid dynamics, published in Daniel Bernoullis 1738 book  Hydrodynamica. Simply put, it relates the increase of speed in a liquid to a decrease in pressure or potential energy.  For incompressible fluids, this can be described using what is known as Bernoullis equation: (v2/2) gz p/Ï  constant Where g is the acceleration due to gravity, Ï  is the pressure throughout the liquid,  v is the fluid flow speed at a given point, z is the elevation at that point, and p is the pressure at that point. Because this is constant within a fluid, this means that these equations can relate any two points, 1 and 2, with the following equation: (v12/2) gz1 p1/Ï  (v22/2) gz2 p2/Ï  The relationship between pressure and potential energy of a liquid based on elevation is also related through Pascals Law. Applications of Fluid Dynamics Two-thirds of the Earths surface is water and the planet is surrounded by layers of atmosphere, so we are literally surrounded at all times by fluids ... almost always in motion. Thinking about it for a bit, this makes it pretty obvious that there would be a lot of interactions of moving fluids for us to study and understand scientifically. Thats where fluid dynamics comes in, of course, so theres no shortage of fields that apply concepts from fluid dynamics. This list is not at all exhaustive, but provides a good overview of ways in which fluid dynamics show up in the study of physics across a range of specializations: Oceanography, Meteorology,   Climate Science - Since the atmosphere is modeled as fluids, the study of atmospheric science  and ocean currents, crucial for understanding and predicting weather patterns and climate trends, relies heavily on fluid dynamics.Aeronautics - The physics of fluid dynamics involves studying the flow of air to create drag and lift, which in turn generate the forces that allow heavier-than-air flight.Geology Geophysics - Plate tectonics involves studying the motion of the heated matter within the liquid core of the Earth.Hematology Hemodynamics - The biological study of blood includes the study of its circulation through blood vessels, and the blood circulation can be modeled using the methods of fluid dynamics.Plasma Physics - Though neither a liquid nor a gas, plasma often behaves in ways that are similar to fluids, so can also be modeled using fluid dynamics.Astrophysics Cosmology  - The process of stellar evolution involves the change of stars over time, which can be understood by studying how the plasma that composes the stars flows and interacts within the star over time. Traffic Analysis - Perhaps one of the most surprising applications of fluid dynamics is in understanding the movement of traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In areas where the traffic is sufficiently dense, the whole body of traffic can be treated as a single entity that behaves in ways that are roughly similar enough to the flow of a fluid. Alternative Names of Fluid Dynamics Fluid dynamics is also sometimes referred at as hydrodynamics, although this is more of a historical term. Throughout the twentieth century, the phrase fluid dynamics became much more commonly used. Technically, it would be more appropriate to say that hydrodynamics is when fluid dynamics is applied to liquids in motion and aerodynamics is when fluid dynamics is applied to gases in motion. However, in practice, specialized topics such as hydrodynamic stability and magnetohydrodynamics use the hydro- prefix even when they are applying those concepts to the motion of gases.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sexual discrimination in South Korea Research Paper

Sexual discrimination in South Korea - Research Paper Example Sexism also propagates in personal views as well as instances that have an impact in the existence of individuals of another sex. For instance, a person looking for work may encounter discriminatory appointing activities, or if employed, unequal treatment or compensation compared to workers who are of the opposite sex (Macionis and Linda 298). In addition, sexual harassment is also a form of sexism or sexual discrimination. In contrast, sexual harassment is a more emotionally impactive, expressive, and extreme form of sexism. In all the countries of the world, it is illegal to harass an individual because of the individual’s sex. Harassment can entail unwelcome sexual advances, physical or verbal harassment of a sexual form, sexual harassment, and requests for sexual favors. Nonetheless, sexual harassment can also comprise offensive statements about an individual’s sex. For instance, it is unlawful to harass a female member of the population by making unpleasant statements about females in general (MacKinnon 121). The harasser and the victim can be from either sex, or also, the harasser and the victim can be of identical sex. Although laws of different countries do not outlaw cases that are not extremely serious, offhand statements, or restrained teasing, harassment is unlawful when it is extremely severe or frequent that it establishes an offensive or hostile environment or, in an employment situation, when it results in an undesirable employment verdict, for example, the victim being demot ed or fired.

I did attachment. For all my decument. I want you to do for me just Essay - 1

I did attachment. For all my decument. I want you to do for me just part (1) And part (2) - Essay Example 1. work collaboratively with other campus personnel to develop, implement, evaluate, and revise a comprehensive campus professional development plan that addresses staff needs and aligns professional development with identified goals. 4. implement effective, appropriate, and legal strategies for the recruitment, screening, selection, assignment, induction, development, evaluation, promotion, discipline, and dismissal of campus staff. In the space below, reflect on your responses on the survey. Review your perception of importance of the principal standards, and identify or consider those that you answered with a 3, 2 or 1. If you answered 1 or 2 for some, explain why you do not consider these important. For the second column, frequency of practice, review your responses and consider those responses that received a 2, 1 or 0, and explain why you think these are not practiced. The perception on the survey about the school is quite important given that through appropriate leadership of all the stakeholders of the school ranging from parents, students and the management of the school the principle is able to steer the school forward. The principle is able to integrate all the factors with the school community to shape the culture of the campus. From the survey, the perception of this is very important receiving a 4 except in parameter number 3 where he does not always but use information where appropriate. In parameter number 6, the principle again rewards only when necessary given he is a good custodian of the school resources. The principal has effective communication skills and collaboration skills as well while he also tries as much as possible to always stay away from politics whether internal or external. Integrity and fairness is not given room at all cost with ethics and law upheld to ensure such virtues are well

Friday, October 18, 2019

Pleas follow the assignment brief as it has all info thank you Essay

Pleas follow the assignment brief as it has all info thank you - Essay Example Also included in the statements are that smoking kills more than AIDS, car accidents, suicides, murder, drugs and alcohol combined and that second-hand smoke is responsible for 3,000 deaths per day. The environmental change in this case is the changing landscape of public opinion about tobacco companies. Another environmental change is that there has been more evidence about tobacco’s detrimental influence upon public health. A third environmental change is the increasing amount of evidence that tobacco companies have lied, for many years, to the public about the adverse effects of tobacco on the public health, and that they have also lied regarding the addictive nature of cigarettes. The impact of these environmental changes upon Phillip Morris, and other tobacco companies, is that cigarette smoking will become even less de rigueur than it already is. The anticipated impact upon these companies is that they will suffer some degree of public humiliation because of their previo us stances, and the fact that they previously lied to the public, and their sales will suffer accordingly. â€Å"Fox News Suddenly Loves Illegal Immigrants.† Business Week. Elizabeth Dwoskin. November 26, 2012. This article regards the changing environment on the Fox News Network in America. The changing environment is the 2012 Presidential and Congressional election. Before the Democrats won back the Presidency and the Senate, there was a general consensus in the Fox News Network, which is considered to be a conservative network, that there should not be a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. However, in the 2012 election, President Obama won back the presidency with an overwhelming percentage of Hispanics. The theory is that the hard-line position that the Republicans have taken regarding illegal immigrants, which his that they are either to be deported, or they should self-deport, but, at any rate, they should not be offered a path to citizenship, is much of the rea son why Mitt Romney, the Republic nominee, lost the election. Because of this, Fox News has softened their stance on illegal immigration. This is how the evolving environment regarding illegal immigrants, and the election, has impacted Fox News. In this article, the changes at Fox News regarding illegal immigration is highlighted. For instance, Sean Hannity, who has his own show on Fox News, has recently stated that his own views regarding illegal immigrants has evolved – he now agrees that illegal immigrants should have a path to citizenship. The article notes that the previous position that Hannity has taken on the 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States is that deportation was the only option. The article also said that talking heads, like Hannity, are the main reason why there has not been immigration reform until now. â€Å"Conagra Sinks Its Teeth Into Growth Market.† Wall Street Journal. November 27, 2012. Miriam Gottfried. In this article, the changin g environmental influence is the higher price of food. Another changing environmental influence is that retailers, such as Wal-Mart and Costco increasingly rely upon private labels, which means that these stores, and other stores, sell products under their own line. For instance, Whole Foods sells 365 Brand, which is the

Senior Project - Team Contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Senior Project - Team Contract - Essay Example The deadline for turning in the work should be set well before the final deadline so that any changes that need to be made can be accomplished. The best case scenario would be to see that all components are turned in at least two days before the deadline so that the work can be assessed for its value by all of the members of the team. By creating this deadline, the group can ensure that there is enough time for all aspects of the project to be perfected after evaluations by each member. If a member does not turn in their work by the team deadline it will give the team time to compensate for this problem. Lack of participation will be incorporated into the notes that will be made on the overall project and reported according to the guidelines that are provided for the project. Team leadership will be selected according to a group discussion. However, the best teams are not divided by leadership, but by responsibilities. Therefore, the team leader will have the responsibility of making sure that all aspects of the project are in on time, but will not be given the powers to rule over issues that occur during the project nor be given the power to veto aspects of the project. The goal will be to work as a team in such a way as to encourage the strengths of each team member and compensate for any weakness. The team leader will organize the details of the project, but will not have the power to control the project. This should be a collaborative effort, rather than ruled by a dictator. Section III In order to deal with team conflict, it will be necessary to put into place a way to negate any disagreements on how the team should progress towards its goals. Conflicts can occur due to a number of different problems that might arise during the project. Seeing the project through different ideas will be the first potential problem. A team vote on how to focus the project from the beginning will help to negate this potential problem. Making sure that all members are on boar d and agree on how the project should proceed will be the best way to prevent problems from the beginning. A second problem that might arise involves the issues of strengths and weaknesses. Before tasks are given to each of the members, it is important that each member identifies which parts of the project will give them the best opportunity to excel and which aspects are representatives of weaknesses. Creating a chart that identifies all tasks and allowing members to identify their strengths and weaknesses will assist in giving responsibilities and in balancing out where weaknesses are shown. The team agrees to handle all conflicts through mature and reasonable methods of communications. The team agrees that it will not argue, but discuss any disagreements on the project and that it will be necessary to sometimes deal with conflicts that arise. Through a recognition that the potential for a disagreement exists, it is clear that the project members are willing to work through any pr oblems that might come to light. As disagreements come to light, the differing sides of the problem will be discussed through breaking down each element of the disagreement, assessing which portions are similar and which elements require a decision or

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Biography of Huey Long Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Biography of Huey Long - Essay Example This paper will discuss the biography of Huey Pierce Long and his career as a senator of Louisiana. Huey was born on 30th august 1893 at Winn parish in Winnfield, a small town at the north of the state (Collins and Smith 1). His father was Senior Huey Pierce Long (1852-1937), and a descendant of Tison William and Sarah Tison. Huey attended local schools at his young age, where he became a brilliant student. He was later expelled from school in 1908 after protesting against the 12th grade requirement for graduation. He had won a scholarship to Louisiana University, but did not afford textbooks to attend. He spent four years as a salesperson selling canned goods, books, patent medicine and as an auctioneer (Collins and Smith 2). In 1913, he got married to Rose McConnell, who was a stenographer. They got two sons Russel and Palmer and a daughter named Rose. During World War 1, the sales job became scarce and Long decided to attend Oklahoma Baptist University for seminary classes. He later joined the law school at Tulane University in New Orleans. Having studied law for one year at Tulane University, he took the state bar exam where he passed well and began private practice of law at Winnfield. He worked for 10 years representing plaintiffs against enormous businesses. He never took cases involving poor people. He became famous when he took on standard oil company for unacceptable business practices. He continued to challenge the company’s influence over the state politics and exploitation of the oil and gas deposits in the state (Boulard 49). At the age of 25, Long was appointed in Louisiana railroad commission in 1918 based on anti-standard oil company platform in 1918. He utilized the position at this commission to perfect his political career. He was a strong opponent of enormous utility and oil companies and fought against pipeline

Institutions should perform affirmative action Research Paper

Institutions should perform affirmative action - Research Paper Example Before I get you to believe in affirmative action, it is very prudent to look at the historical background of the term â€Å"Affirmative Action†, I think by that, we will get to appreciate the initiator of the word, and then emulate the sense of humanity, which drove them into coming up with the word or rather a phrase, this word was used first in United States and was signed by President John  F Kennedy, he used it to promote activities that promoted non- discrimination, in conjunction to this, president Lyndon B. Johnson emulated the same by encouraging his human resource managers to hire workers indiscriminate of their race, national origin or religion. So who are we to defy the activities of this most important people and after all, would you like it, if you get disqualified from a job/ or attending an interview/ or even attending a learning institution just because of your color, or race, or origin, I guess no rational human being would buy the idea, well! But why, it is mainly because we do not admire to be discriminated.  So why am I insisting on introduction of this practice in learning institution? Well, I might say that a part from promoting equal opportunity amongst students, it brings about national development, you will concur with me that, some things would not have happened, if certain people could have been denied the chance and opportunity, because of either their origin or race, Take an example, if Americans could have been against Affirmative actions, then who knows, do you think, Mr. Obama could have been the president? Most likely he would not have, but the Americans gave Obama equal chance to study with other Americans in the same schools, same university, despite the fact that he was An Afro-American tracing his origin, to an African country Kenya, where his father was born. No one would be as adamant as to deny the fact that this was a national development. Or would we

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Biography of Huey Long Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Biography of Huey Long - Essay Example This paper will discuss the biography of Huey Pierce Long and his career as a senator of Louisiana. Huey was born on 30th august 1893 at Winn parish in Winnfield, a small town at the north of the state (Collins and Smith 1). His father was Senior Huey Pierce Long (1852-1937), and a descendant of Tison William and Sarah Tison. Huey attended local schools at his young age, where he became a brilliant student. He was later expelled from school in 1908 after protesting against the 12th grade requirement for graduation. He had won a scholarship to Louisiana University, but did not afford textbooks to attend. He spent four years as a salesperson selling canned goods, books, patent medicine and as an auctioneer (Collins and Smith 2). In 1913, he got married to Rose McConnell, who was a stenographer. They got two sons Russel and Palmer and a daughter named Rose. During World War 1, the sales job became scarce and Long decided to attend Oklahoma Baptist University for seminary classes. He later joined the law school at Tulane University in New Orleans. Having studied law for one year at Tulane University, he took the state bar exam where he passed well and began private practice of law at Winnfield. He worked for 10 years representing plaintiffs against enormous businesses. He never took cases involving poor people. He became famous when he took on standard oil company for unacceptable business practices. He continued to challenge the company’s influence over the state politics and exploitation of the oil and gas deposits in the state (Boulard 49). At the age of 25, Long was appointed in Louisiana railroad commission in 1918 based on anti-standard oil company platform in 1918. He utilized the position at this commission to perfect his political career. He was a strong opponent of enormous utility and oil companies and fought against pipeline

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Select a firm that is listed in the UK and a competitor that is listed Essay

Select a firm that is listed in the UK and a competitor that is listed elsewhere in the world. Using financial information from THOMSON ANALYTICS - Essay Example Many drugs fail to pass the various drugs administration tests issued by respective government agencies, this leads to heavy research and development costs to be levied on products that could never be seen in the markets. (Bleavins et al., 2010, p.35) Drug testing is a very time consuming as well as expensive process. This is usually disastrous for a company’s results as the R&D investment may not generate any returns in the near future, making it difficult to judge the true position of a financial statement. (Bleavins et al., 2010, p.35) It is because of such reasons why analyzing the results of a pharmaceutical company is considered to be an extensive and taxing task. Furthermore, short-term financial statement analysis may be rendered ineffective because of these reasons, as the numbers will never consider ‘what if’ scenarios (such as what if R&D costs do not provide any return in the future? or provide exceptional returns?) Perhaps the industry with the highest innovation rates, the pharmaceutical industry is an essential element of the financial system. According to Fortune Magazine, 12 pharmaceutical companies have made it in the Fortune 500 list in 2009, amongst these 6 companies were from the US, and 2 companies were from UK; the rest were also from other European regions. (Fortune, 2009, p.27) GlaxoSmithKline (hereafter referred to as GSK) and Pfizer have been close competitors for a long time, although their major focus in terms of type of drug differs substantially, these two companies still compete for top spot within many drug categories. Nevertheless, both these companies are very accomplished: Pfizer is more often in the news as compared to any of its counterparts, mostly it generates media for all the wrong reasons, but it gets lots of free publicity nonetheless. Most recently the company was surrounded in a controversy involving bribing doctors to recommend Pfizer’s

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Education Debate Essay Example for Free

The Education Debate Essay 1. Nielsens (Booms) opinion of a higher education is a very interesting and intellectual opinion that I myself also share. In this text Blooms creates a very strong distinguishment between the education you receive from universities in the sense of book smarts whether then the skills universities lack to teach, which in Blooms opinion is wisdom, and virtue. Bloom suggests these skills are essential in order to follow the path to the good life. In this text Bloom subtitles How higher education has failed democracy and impoverished the souls of todays students,, which in essence is a direct attack at univerisites for not instilling the proper morals and lessons in their students. The skills that the students lack have been extremely noticeable to Bloom, he suggests due to the lack of nobility and morality students no longer fall in love, students deem only for sexual relationships rather than companionship and love. Bloom draws a strong discrepancy between the arts and sciences. He states that non-science undergrads are not required to take any science courses while science inflicted students are required to take 3 of their 20 courses in either science or arts. This allowance for the choice between arts science is something I agree extremely on. Both these areas of education offer such similar however also different skills. Arts, allow for creativity, wonder, insight and inference while science grabs connection to nature, realism and direct intellect. I believe both areas are important for the development of a human, it offers a type of well roundedness and intellectual ability in all aspects of life. Currently our education follows a systematic approach of a one answer, one right type of approach. This limits the ability of creativity, inference and uniqueness. Memorization is absolutely one of the worst skills that school has to offer, instead understanding and conceptualizing is key to the success of education. Educations meaning has been blown out of proportion, while grades do matter extremely the valuableness of other aspects of life have been loss. Everyone knows that one person whoms life revolves around their academic achievements, its all they talk about, its all they do and all they will ever know. While this is not entirely bad it has a large negative effect due to its ability to block humans from the real world. Whole heartedly I agree with Blooms opinion of education, for me its a sense of wonder of the world and taking time and understanding what really occurs in our lives. At times I sit and focus on certain systems in our world, whether it be education, government or the structure of authority I find myself to have a very different opinion then others most of the time. I believe that education needs to be re-evaluated to accommodate the needs of the students of today and the future. However, for now a systematic approach to education in order to reach my goal of intellect is what I will follow. 2. Both the sciences and arts offer a wide variety of benefits. The arts allow for a type of personal and creative development as a person. The different benefits these areas of education have to offer compliment one another ever so dearly. Science allows for the respect and love for freedom, it gives raise to the interest of the universe, and most importantly direct intelligence of our existence and meaning is challenged. I believe Nielsen Bloom argues the need for both science and art due to the combination of skills it can inflict. As stated above I listed some of the skills that can be achieved through each area, with combination these skills can use each other and feed off one another in order to create the maximum benefit. You have the ability to connect to science nature while using your scientific knowledge to relate to arts and other matter. I suspect this balance that these two areas offer is why Nielsen argues them so deeply. 3. Nielsen Bloom uses the three sub-headings, Futile Propaganda, Delusive Openness, and Ignorant Shepherds. Each of these heading relate to the piece of upcoming text in a very disclosed way. A type of intellectual philosophy is used within these headings in order to bring awareness to the argument that is going to be made. The first heading, Futile Propaganda suggests that students are often under prepared for a type of higher education then they receive during their prior years. In our society students have so many more oppurtunities to loose their attention from skills such as reading and homework, but who would want to engage in reading while they are able to watch their favorite television shows during the afternoon. The next heading, Delusive Openness, states that students believe There are no universal and eternal varieties for people to learn and live by, this leaves everyone to think and do as they please. This suggests that the openness we have today leads to ultimately closed mindedness because students lack curiosity.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Kobe Bryant Essay -- Sports, NBA, A sexual Assault Case

â€Å"The Tainted Record† He has it all: the fame, the fortune, and the fans. Kobe Bryant has anything and everything any living person could want, and as a former NBA champion, he even has arguably more athleticism than most people out there. However, even through his NBA championships and his MVP awards, many people tend to look at Kobe in a very negative way; almost look down on the star for one single occurrence. This may seem harsh, but there is indeed a logical explanation to this seemingly pessimistic attention Kobe always attracts. In 2003, a sexual assault case was filed on Kobe, which would proceed to affect his image forever (â€Å"Bryant, Kobe† 4). Therefore, although he is an extremely talented athlete, Kobe Bryant is a negative influence to aspiring basketball players. Although this negative attention occurred during his NBA career, Bryant did, in fact, have many NBA achievements before this mishap. Firstly, at just 17 years old (â€Å"Kobe Bryant† 1), Kobe managed to become the second youngest player to enter the professional league in NBA history, being the 13th overall pick in the 1996 draft (â€Å"Bryant, Kobe† 1). In mid-1996, Kobe was traded to his now current team, the NBA Lakers, where he would proceed to gain both his glory and his infamy (â€Å"Kobe Bryant† 1). Additionally, Bryant joined the all-star team in just his second season in the league, therefore becoming the single youngest player to be part of the all-star team of all time (â€Å"Bryant, Kobe† 1) at just 19 years old (Kobe at 30--Oh, how the years go by 2). Surprisingly, these achievements would not be the only ones he would acquire. By 2003, Bryant had already captured 3 NBA titles for himself (â€Å"Bryant, Kobe† 1), winning three tit les in a row from 2000 to 2002(K... ...e Bryant’s success, he is unfortunately a negative role model to aspiring basketball players. However, he has it all. Kobe Bryant always is and always will be an NBA legend. He has had and still does have countless fans, and possesses a level of skill which very few could even match. However, despite all of these feats he has achieved and all of the money he has managed to earn, his sexual assault case in 2003 taints this famous star’s record. No matter how it’s observed, Kobe Bryant was permanently affected, which in turn affected many fans’ viewpoints of the star. And although he has made a definite comeback, his past actions are not and will never be forgotten. No matter what he does in the future, the assault case will still be there. Therefore, because of this, Kobe Bryant’s image, no matter how hard he may try, will be damaged, or tainted, forever.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Modern Music Composition :: essays research papers fc

Modern Music Composition Composition has been an ever-changing entity in our society. Music composition is also a very alternating subject of study. You have to keep up to date when you wish to compose a piece of music. This is strictly due to the progression of music in this day in age. If you fail to study, the music you are writing may, very well, upset the music community with old or potentially outdated material. The only way to stay up to date with composition is to listen to a lot of classical music, which seems to be, without a doubt, the best music to listen to. If you have not done your research on such music, you may find yourself running out of ideas for further compositions. Music composition is the subject of this essay. Music, through the years, has changed in many ways. The musical "attitude" is determined through the overall feelings of the composer at the time, at which he or she wrote it. The "attitude" sets the overall feeling of the piece of music. If you fail to pass the feelings that you felt while you wrote the piece of music, you fail in the overall goal of the piece of music. Music composition is a very modern thing these days. It has grown because of the advanced availability of better technology. Technology, which is changing every day, has opened up new and more innovative doors. Included with the advanced technology that has brought music to life, there has also been a steady increase of musicians. This is in direct proportion with the growing number of music educators. Music, by means of instruments, has been played for thousands of years. Music composition involves three major key-points. These key-points are direction, general-knowledge, and general-insight. Through the course of this essay, you will learn what each of these three points is and the prevalent pre-requisitions required of persons to have these three abilities. Direction, being the first of the three points, gives you the sense of the music. Without direction, you would not have the urge to write the piece of music. Direction is what composers use to give the general emotion that is supposed to be perceived by the ending audience. The direction requires only one thing. That is emotion. Emotion is what a piece of music is made for. Without emotion, the piece would probably be so uninteresting that the audience would not want to listen to it. The emotion is very hard to pass on to the audience, strictly because it is what you feel.

Friday, October 11, 2019

English is a second language Essay

For many poets, English is a second language. Many poets feel trapped between two cultures. Choose 3 poems we have studied which show this. The collection of three poems I have chosen to use give an in-depth incite into the fears and feelings that an outsider goes through after settling in to a new country. The cultural differences between the poet’s home countries and their new home country become very clear and this major life change is mainly what fuels their discontent. All three of the poems give the impression that the poet is unattached and that they feel as if they are not a member of any nation. All these problems are shown in the three poems and by the end of each poem the reader almost feels as if they have some role to play in this person feeling so alone. The first of the three poems is called, â€Å"Search for my tongue,† and it is about the poet searching herself for her mother tongue. The poem starts with a sense of bereavement as the poet mourns the loss of her mother tongue. The first few lines give the sense that the poet is proud of her roots and that her mother tongue is one of the only things left that attaches her to her home country. Her feelings towards her roots are strong and in the last few lines of the play we see how deep her roots go. The poem describes how her new language has starved her old one and how she strives to be able to speak as fluently as before. She seems to almost feel hate towards the new language that has starved her much loved mother tongue. She uses blunt sensual expressions to describe her emotional turmoil which shows how much her mother tongue means to her. â€Å"Mother tongue would rot. Rot and die in your mouth, until you had to spit it out. † The whole mood of the poem changes during the line, â€Å"I thought I spit out but over night while I dream, it grows back,† The but is pivotal in this line as it swings the mood of the poem around completely. The return of the mother tongue is signified by the six lines of translated Arab compete with phonetic expressions for the reader’s benefit. After this section of Arab text the poem suddenly springs into life. The sudden reappearance of the mother tongue is described using spring imagery. This may be used to signify the blossoming of her mother tongue after being dormant through the dark ‘winter’. This new soft and gentile description of her feelings is a lot different from the dark, harsh description that was existent at the start of the poem. This shows that when she has her mother tongue at her disposal she feels more relaxed and a lot happier with her new surroundings. The mother tongue gives her a feeling of a greater identity and a little bit of her past culture may help soften her evident homesickness. â€Å"Half Caste,† is a poem which takes on the term ‘Half Cast’ and the feelings that go through the mind of an half cast person. There is a great feeling of entrapment as the reader reads this poem as the poet comes across as being slightly aggressive and he uses the word, ‘You’ which automatically accuses the reader not a selected minority. This direct approach shows that this person is angry at the entire nation and that their frustration is down to the British people labelling people ‘half caste’. He uses phonetic language throughout the poem and that it’s like he’s teasing people who think he’s â€Å"only† half-caste. He uses comedy but at the same time he is teasing the reader as he is making people think again about how half caste doesn’t mean half minded. At the start of the poem he says, â€Å"Excuse me standing on one leg, im half caste,† This quote is written to be slightly ironic as throughout the rest of the poem he questions the discrimination against half-caste people. It also seems to be the poets English ‘half’ as in the next paragraph the text changes and it becomes clear that this is his Caribbean ‘half’. The way in which this poem is written shows the personality split that the poet must feel. Sometimes he may feel proud to be English and another day he may be ashamed to be Caribbean and vice versa. Throughout the poem the phrase, â€Å"explain yuself,† is repeated many times and it shows that he is disgraced by the actions of the reader and that he wants some reason to why he is subject to being tossed into a separate group to the average Englishman. He shows that a commonly used word like ‘Half Caste’ can be hurtful to someone of a mixed race. The poet is similar to the poet in the first poem because they both feel detached from their backgrounds and they both have come from different countries. â€Å"Search for my tongue,† and ,†Half Caste,† both deal with different problems when migrating to a new country. â€Å"Search for my tongue,† deals with the torment of losing touch with your past language and culture. † Half Caste,† deals with the discrimination against foreigners which is mostly spoken by people who don’t believe they have said anything wrong. This unawareness to the hurt such a widely excepted phrase like ‘Half Caste’ can cause someone needs to be improved and â€Å"Half Caste,† highlights this. The third poem, â€Å"Presents from my aunts in Pakistan. † is similar to the other two as the poet feel alienated from her past home and her present home. The quote, â€Å"I was alien in the living room. † The poet’s unease opening her presents shows that she feels she doesn’t belong to that culture anymore. The fact that she is half English makes her feel that she isn’t Pakistani enough to be able to were these clothes. The fact that she is half cast makes her feel detached from both her current and her past cultures. She is stuck in the middle of two worlds, much like John Agard in the poem, â€Å"Half cast†. As the poem goes on the poet searches her memory for any hints towards her past. Her memories of Pakistan to her are properly one of the most important things she has as they confirm her identity. Her Aunts gifts bring out a reaction in her friend which shows the large cultural differences between the two countries. The quote, â€Å"Didn’t impress the school friend who sat on my bed, asked to see my weekend clothes,† shows that to the English friend her Pakistani clothes were boring and she asked to see her casual wear instead of admiring the dazzling colour. In Pakistan these clothes would be rated very highly amongst teenagers and this huge difference in opinions give her a option, to be a English girl or a Pakistani girl. This indecision shows how she is stuck between two cultures. The poem says that she â€Å"longs† for denim and corduroy indicating her English side, but she also wants her parent’s Pakistani camel skin lamp. When the lamp is switched on, it shows a wonderful array of colours, but when it’s off it becomes dull. Maybe this represents the colourfulness of the Pakistani culture in comparison with the colourless English culture. In conclusion these three poems give the reader a different view of people who are half-caste or who have emigrated to a different country. They show the torment of not being fully attached to a certain culture and also the strain of adapting to a new language and a new culture. The poets of these three poems help the reader consider issues that they would have never thought about before for example the offence of being called ‘Half-Caste’.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Comparative Employee Relations Essay

Employees relations is those policies and daily practices that are concerned with the regulation and management of individual and team relationships within the organization. Essentially, employee relations are cantered on the ability to resolve and prevent conflicts that involve either an individual or the teams in the organization which directly affect work situations and performance. Efficient communication ensures that information is passed to the employees in order to allow them understand better the company’s goals and objectives. Most employee relations managers uphold the responsibility of handling grievances, individual code of conduct while in the office, evaluation of employee performance and counselling programs. Sound employee relations are based on participation and effective communication for both the management and the employees. There are various management styles that cover the way employee relations must be conducted in order to achieve the best from the employees. These management styles are intended to teach employees the following, –  Ã‚  Applicable regulations and policies – Bargaining agreements – Grievance and appeal rights – Discrimination and protection of whistleblowers Employee relations have broadened its definition from the initial industrial relations to such aspects as employer-employee relations, personal contracts, workplace environmental safety, and socio-emotional factors. In developed countries, there is a growing trend of harmonization in almost all levels of government mainly because of the government commitment to enhance employee relations programs. Comparison of employee relations in Kenya and the United States Employee relations between different countries such as the United States, Japan, Brazil, South Africa, Europe and underdeveloped countries such as Kenya are far much varied because of issues such as; economic status, political will, policy creation and implementation, employee literacy standards, justice systems, type of company and management standards United States and Kenya are two different countries that have different views and perceptions on how they handle employee relations. In some issues however, they agree and others they don’t. Similarities – Both are members of the International Labour Association – They both have federal courts that deal with cases arising from employees – Both countries have trade unions that champion for employee rights – They have health and safety assessment policies – Both value equal treatment, opportunities and rights for the employees – Both countries have created and implemented policies and legal requirements that govern the conduct of both the employer and the employees – In both countries workplace malpractices occur – Both uphold human rights concerning employees – They both have turnover and retention concerns – In both workplace harassment is punishable by law Differences In the U.S, every State i.e. Washington, Texas etc have each Employee Relations Advisory Organization (ERAO) that is concerned with individual organizations dealing with employee relations[1] while in Kenya there is only one central organization that deals with the issues raised by its employees. Also, the U.S has an elaborate system of government that promotes the utilization of its staff members attached to the Employee Relations Advisory Board to monitor employee relations in various companies. In Kenya, the situation is different with no government body that is specifically assigned the duty of overseeing employee relations. In   the   U.S each organization including institutions have the privilege of getting the services of an employee relations officer but in Kenya, the companies find it difficult and expensive to hire an employee relations manager. The U.S also has well trained personnel that have the human resource skills to handle employee relations issues which Kenya does not. In addition, the U.S have a better economy that can support better pay packages, benefits, compensations and other incentives while in   Kenya employers pay poorly thus undermining the morale, motivation and performance of individual employees. Finally, in the U.S, the employees are from different parts of the world speaking different languages and diverse political, social, cultural and religious backgrounds making it difficult and tedious to the companies to ensure smooth harmonization in the company. While in Kenya, only a few internationals work in some companies with the majority being the locals making employee relations very easy to manage Third world countries like Kenya, are not economically capable of handling employee relations effectively. With an unemployment rate of 57%, most employers are arrogant to employees because they know that they can sack one employ another within a very short time frame. Since most companies due to financial weaknesses cannot afford the services of employee relations manager, then the work of handling employee issue are either left with the general manager or the human resources manager who have no skills to handle the sector. This will lead to unfair and costly consequences for the company such as failure to understand individual problems which will in turn affect his or her performance. Because of corruption in Kenya, very few cases of employee relations abuse have been so far settled while in the U.S the case is different with more significant cases being reported each year.

Biological theories Essay

The article Alleged king hitter’s criminal record revealed details the alleged assault against a youth in Sydney’s Kings Cross, which subsequently resulted in his death. Shaun McNeil has been charged with murdering the youth, and the article reveals that he previously had a number of assault-related criminal convictions. The incident has been followed by intense campaigning for tougher laws and heavier penalties for those convicted of alcohol-induced violence. Cesare Lombroso’s ‘born criminal’ theory articulated that some individuals experience a primitive form of development that is ultimately less evolved than those of non-criminals (Bernard et al 2010, p. 38). Applying the theory of biological indicators of criminal behaviour to all cases of criminal incidences may be problematic. Modern criminologists have generally rejected the notion that biological factors alone can be used to explain criminal behaviour, as it is difficult to ascertain whether biological factors and criminality have a genuine causal relationship (Roque et al 2012, p. 306). As such, biological theories may be more persuasive when considered in correlation with environmental factors. The environmental factor most relevant to the case of McNeil is alcohol consumption. While there are many possible relationships between violence and alcohol, one of the most convincing explanations is an increase in aggression due to the alcohol-induced reduction of serotonin in the brain (Bernard et al 2010, p. 53). It is likely that alcohol consumption in this case was a contributing factor to the assault. McNeil’s prior criminal convictions are also noteworthy, as there may be a correlation between past violent outbursts and the consumption of alcohol. It is arguable that ‘the acute and chronic effects of alcohol on committing more aggravated assault imply that once a person becomes a violent offender, either drinking before offending or high average alcohol consumption constitute a probable cause for additional violent acts’ (Zhang et al 1997, p. 127 0). Crimes that have some biological basis can be difficult to manage if law and order policies attempt to address the biological factors alone. Addressing the environmental factors that contribute to these crimes is likely to be  the most effective approach. Crimes such as this may be managed through the restriction of alcohol sales, a measure that has already been put in place by the New South Wales government. More specifically, such measures should be targeted at high-risk locations, including areas that contain a significant amount of bars and nightclubs and attract a large amount of young people. References: Bernard, T, Snipes, J & Gerould, A 2010, Vold’s Theoretical Criminology, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Rocque, M, Welsh, B & Raine, A 2012, ‘Biosocial criminology and modern crime prevention’, Journal of Criminal Justice, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 306-312. Ross, C 2014, ‘Alleged king hitter’s criminal record revealed’, Nine News, 4 January, viewed 17 March 2014, Zhang, L, Wieczorek, W & Welt, J 1997, ‘The nexus between alcohol and violent crime’, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 1264-1271.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Link Between Employee Engagement and Organization Performance Literature review

The Link Between Employee Engagement and Organization Performance - Literature review Example From the research it can be comprehended that Employees Engagement is all about obtaining workers to ‘give it their all’. Employee engagement is a vast build that touches almost every areas of HRM. If all part of HR is not addressed in proper way, employees fail to completely engage themselves in their work in the reply to such kind of mismanagement. It is also stronger forecaster of positive organizational performance obviously demonstrating the two-way relationship among employer and worker compared to the three previous constructs: workers dedication, job satisfaction and organizational residency behavior. HRM is increasingly measured a contemporary expansion that carries on to reshape employment relations. An endeavor is made to believe it an instrument that may have successfully replaced other type’s management customs like Industrial Relations and Personnel Management. Another driver is to examine a bundle of most excellent practices for example high dedicat ion management and their impact on employment relations. What ever the route HRM remains a current but evolving science coping with complex beings, and in complex companies and surroundings. â€Å"Within the HRM tradition, HRM is strategy-focused and central to the corporate plan in the planning perspective. In the people management perspective, HRM views people as social capital, capable of being developed and committed at work†.... (Elizabeth 2008). â€Å"HRM us where by the management of people is read-off the broader objective of the organization† (Marchington & Wilkinson 2005. p. 5). Many contestants signified that they practice health-related struggle resulting from the stress they experience at job. The reasons behind the job stress of the employees in the organizations are conflict among work and family responsibilities, technical advance and regular interactions among the consumer and service industry. The symptoms of job stress are, physical illness, depression, family conflict, lack of mental concentration, anxiety, extreme anger, absenteeism, frustration, and stress. (Elizabeth 2008). Worker Burnout: It is emotional overtiredness and detachment from job. Pprofessionals as well as workers are affected by this phenomenon. Various causes that may lead to the worker burnout in the current HRM in organizations are, lack of family support and community support, lack of balance in work and life, lack of time for hobbies, and finally the workers are pushed to time limits by the company. (What Is Employee Burnout? 2009). â€Å"Burnout can be symptomatic of larger issues affecting staff morale, but there are simple ways to alleviate these realities that are cost-effective and sustainable. Keep in mind that there is no magic wand here and that material solutions are not always the best approach to addressing employee burnout† (Poland 2011). Safety: Safety deals with the condition of being safe in the organizations. It also consists of protection of people or possessions. Safety aspects of the individuals in the organizations are one of the major issues faced by the companies in the current HRM. Various ways to improve the safety in the organizations are, making

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Week 9 case theme paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Week 9 case theme paper - Essay Example I never had the time before to notice the beauty of my grandkids, my wife, the tree outside my very own front door. And, the beauty of time itself.† This statement regarding retirement was quoted from Hartman Jule. Retirement became an eye-opener for him and a chance to enjoy life each day. Of course, this is also what I want to achieve but before retiring, things must be planned well and as Corporate Officer, unfinished businesses must be completed. In achieving global competitiveness in the company, strategic marketing management is needed. Innovation, customer satisfaction and producing quality products are the main objectives. Secondary objectives include optimizing processes to achieve better performance like the incorporation of the Six Sigma method and minimizing waste through the Lean method. For the domestic market, we must be aggressive in sales and advertising of our products to attract more buyers. We must always make sure to provide quality products and deliver them on time to these buyers to gain their loyalty and support. For the international market, marketing policies and objectives must be reviewed from time to time. Considering Europe, higher profit opportunities, larger customer network and global competition may be achieved. According to Kotler and Keller (2009), risk and competitive advantage of our products must be taken into consideration basing from the customer’s needs. If there comes a time that the problems such as projections of the company hitting the wall and the need to downscale operations, solutions to these troubles must be prepared beforehand or must be immediately executed as to prevent aggravation of the said problems. One solution is to lay off employees, from corporate officers to management staffs up to administrative personnel and laborers. This solution may act as a double-edged sword to both the company and employees. Another solution is to tap the loyalty of customers as to